
  Hong Kong began its colonial history in 1842 when China ceded Hong Kong Island to Britain. The Hong Kong Police Force was formally set up in 1844 to maintain law and order. To recognise its contribution in handling the 1967 Riots, the Hong Kong Police Force was renamed the Royal Hong Kong Police Force in 1969, turning a new page in the police history.

  This volume mainly delineates the Hong Kong policing history from 1842 to 1969 through the frontline stories of many police officers. Eighty retired policemen and policewomen, representing different generations, races, ranks and lines of duties, share the views and memories of their police service through individual oral history sessions and group discussions. Their personal recollections and lively anecdotes enable readers to enjoy the excitement and relieve the challenges, the good days and hard times of the police throughout the eras.

  These accounts mirror the evolution of the Hong Kong Police Force in the decades after the Second World War, a time which drastically reshaped Hong Kong from a British colony to a world city and a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.

  This book is a compelling read for anyone interested in policing or the history of Hong Kong at large.


Lawrence K. K. HO

  Lawrence K. K. HO is a Senior Teaching Fellow in the department of Political Science at Lingnan University, Hong Kong. He is also an Honorary Fellow of the Centre for Criminology, The University of Hong Kong. His research areas include comparative policing, criminal justice, public policy and public order management. He received his M.Phil. degree in politics & public administration in 2001: and Ph.D. degree in Sociology at the University of Hong Kong in 2010. He has worked in political parties and tertiary institutions as policy researcher, and taught politics and sociology subjects in University of Macau from 2006 to 2008. He joined the Lingnan University in 2009.

Yiu Kong CHU

  Yiu Kong CHU worked for the department of Sociology at the University of Hong Kong as an assistant Professor from 2000 to 2010. He is currently an Honorary Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and a Fellow in the Centre for Criminology at The University of Hong Kong, focusing on teaching and writing in criminology.


1. Introduction 
Section I

A Chronological Sketch of the Hong Kong Police Force before 1969
2. Opening of Chaos: The Birth of the Police Force on the Island
3. Unstable Years:  The Police Force during the Japanese Occupation and the Post-War Reconstruction
4. The 1956, 1966 and 1967 Riots: Challenges to the Hong Kong Police Force

Section II
A Glance at Different Branches of the Hong Kong Police Force
5. The Criminal Investigation Department: Policemen in Plain Clothes 
6. The Marine Police: Gatekeepers of Hong Kong Waters
7. Anti-Riot Teams: From Police Training Contingent to Police Tactical Unit 
8. Inspectors and Policewomen

Section III
Important Figures of the Hong Kong Police Force Remembered
9. Police Interviews
10. Conclusion 



  The Hong Kong Police Force has always evoked a mixed image in the minds of Hong Kong residents. Simultaneously, it manages to be strange and alien, yet entirely familiar. On a daily basis, we find ourselves inundated with news stories about how "the cops" tackle crime, and police work is a favourite subject in local movies and television series. In our daily lives, we also see policemen patrolling the streets. However, we seldom have direct contact with the police-the people charged with protecting our property and well-being -and know very few details about the exact nature of their work.

  There are not many books on the Hong Kong Police Force. Most are the fruits of academic scholarship and their presentation styles are not friendly for readers who are not in academia. Some are memoirs written by retired expatriate police officers, recording what the authors experienced with the changes in local policing. In recent years, there are more Chinese volumes in the form of autobiographies, anecdotal accounts and records of detective cases, which were increasingly popular with the general public.

  We sincerely hope that this book will enjoy wide appeal. This volume encompasses three main features. Firstly, a clear and distinctive orientation towards the police as human beings constitutes the soul of this book. It delineates over a century of the history of the Hong Kong Police Force through the personal experiences and frontline stories of many policemen. During the period from 2003 to 2009, we interviewed eighty retired policemen and policewomen through individual oral history interview sessions and group discussions. These represent different generations, races and ranks and lines of duty. For example, they include an officer who joined the force in 1938, a Pakistani who came to Hong Kong from India onboard a cargo ship in 1952, the inaugural group of policewomen in 1951, policeman on frontline duty in the 1967 riots, and the first Chinese police chief with a university degree who joined the force after graduation in 1972.

  Secondly, this book contains a number of photographs of the police at different times. Most of them were provided by the interviewees. These precious photographs cover subjects such as policemen working in Shatin Station in 1924, the official police uniform in the Japanese occupation era, the plain clothes officers in black silky Tang Dynasty suits during the 1940s, the first policewomen armed with a pistol in 1953, the uniformed Staff Sergeant and Detective Staff Sergeant in the 1960s, members of the airborne anti-riot team reaching the roofs of target buildings, and the Marksmen Unit in 1973, and many more. Based on such an invaluable contribution from the interviewees, we offer the reader engagingly presented factual narratives, filled with personal insights and vividly illuminated with historical photographs.

  Thirdly, being social scientists devoted to research into policing, we verified and cross-referenced the collected information with official documents and non-official literature. For some seemingly dubious pieces of information, we have done our utmost to ascertain factual accuracy with corroborative evidence or relevant verifications with the persons involved or other knowledgeable senior police officers. While we wrote this book in a less academically-formal and more popular style in order to reach a wider readership, we still insisted on it being a solidly fact-based volume. Hence, this book is intended for the general public and can easily serve as an informative source and as reference material suitable for general and civic education.

  In terms of its contents, this volume is divided into three main sections. The first section traces the early development of the Hong Kong Police Force. It exposes the unique features of the multi-ethnic paramilitary team in the earlier colonial days. It then leads the reader to appreciate the police's struggles through Hong Kong's most difficult times. During the dark years of Japanese occupation, how did the local police perform? How did the team rebuild itself after the war? And how did it cope with the turmoil of the 1967 Riots, when the police were fiercely condemned as "yellow-skin colonial running dogs" by the leftist insurgents and pro-Beijing partisans?

  The second section focuses on three particularly interesting police departments; the Criminal Investigation Department, the Marine Police, and the Anti-Riot Squad. It also highlights Inspectors, the backbone of the force, and policewomen, the most recently recruited category of police staff.

  The third section presents interviews with five special guests: Mr. Au Ting, former Chairman of the Hong Kong Police Old Comrades' Association; Mr. Chan Cheong, former Chairman of the Hong Kong Marine Police Retirees' Association; Mr. David Hodson, former Assistant Commissioner of Police; Mr. Gordon Fung Siu-yuen, former Deputy Commissioner of Police; and Mr. Dick Lee Ming-kwai, former Commissioner of Police. They joined the force in 1948, 1952, 1962, and 1972 respectively. Their personal recollections and lively anecdotes enable the reader to share the fun and challenges as well as the better and harder times of the police in the different eras. Their accounts chart the evolution of the Hong Kong Police Force during the last six decades, years that have also drastically reshaped Hong Kong from a British colony to a world city and Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.

  With this book we aim to suit both specialist scholarly interests and popular tastes. Through its pages, readers can enjoy these genuinely amazing and amusing police stories with their accompanying splendid illustrations, but hopefully they will also develop an informed understanding of how the Hong Kong Police Force has been transformed into one of the world's most professional urban police forces today after over a century of hard work and struggle.

Lawrence HO Yiu Kong CHU
June 2012



  • ISBN:9789629372064
  • 規格:平裝 / 336頁 / 16 x 23 cm / 普通級 / 雙色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港
  • 本書分類:> >



「回望剛剛過去的春節,可謂終身難忘。災難面前,中國聯通全體戰士沒有一絲猶豫和退縮。第一時間,我們派出尖刀團隊決戰武漢,用36小時開通火神山全部基站;第一時間,我們全國動員,用24小時發去防護物資······國家有難,匹夫有責,'荀利國家生死以,豈因禍福避趨之'。我們中國聯通堅決履行社會責任,勇擔央企使命,抱著召必至,戰必勝的信念······但你們,中國聯通最可愛的戰士們,你們是父母,是孩子······你們要保持理性,科學防控,合理保持工作強度,做好個人防護,因為這關係到家庭和客戶......集團公司是你們堅強的後盾......」 ——摘自王磽初董事長寄戰士們的一封信 戰「疫」爆發以來 中國聯通大力投入大數據服務支撐 開通雲視頻免費會議服務 推出5G+熱成像人體測溫服務…… 衝鋒戰「疫」,刻不容緩 穩定就業,我們更加義不容辭! 你,願意加入這樣的企業嗎? WO未來,絕不受任何阻隔 無需動身,夢想也會G刻出發 打贏這場戰「疫」,你我共赴未來 中國聯通2020春季校園招聘線上招聘全面啟動! 招聘對象:2020屆畢業生(2019屆畢業生也可投遞) 招聘崗位: IT技術類:軟體開發、技術研發、產品研發、前端開發、JAVA研發、技術支持等 5G及新技術類:5G技術研究及開發、5G終端、人工智慧、雲計算、物聯網、大數據、系統集成等方向 網絡類:智能網絡、網絡安全、網絡優化、網絡管理、網絡維護等 產業及運營類:創新產品經理、創新客戶經理、網際網路運營、電子商務運營、數據運營登 市場類:市場營銷、市場研究、市場規劃等 職能支撐類:人力資源、財務、法律類 線上網申:PC端請登錄網址:zglt2020.zhaopin.com 移動端識別掃描下方二維碼即可在線投遞簡歷 春招小貼士 足不出戶,宅在家也能收割offer 在疫情防控的特殊事件,中國聯通將同學們的健康放在第一要位,全面開展各項春招環節線上進行,保證大家在不出門的情況下安心參與春招全流程。 就業援藏,同等條件下優先錄取 中國聯通堅持履行社會責任,春招繼續同步開展就業扶貧、就業援藏計劃,對貧困建檔畢業生、西藏籍等高校畢業生適當放寬招聘條件。 歡迎每一位懷揣夢想的有效畢業生加入WO 共同創造萬物互聯的「智」時代! ...










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